Digital Marketing | 6 Winning Strategies

Welcome to the world of digital marketing! It’s a big one and a reasonably overwhelming one at that. Digital marketing has the potential to make a significant positive impact on your business, but it can feel scary to everyone new to it. Where do you begin? What do you do? And do you need to break the bank to succeed? To answer these questions and protect you from initial fumbles everyone makes, we’ve put together this list of 8 strategies your digital marketing agency London can use to help you excel. Keep reading to find out how to harness the power of digital marketing!

1. Create A Buyer Persona

The first step that you and your digital marketing agency London should take together is to identify your customer base. Whom does your product or service target? What kind of individuals would be interested in your end product? Who is your target audience for digital marketing? Identifying your core demographic allows your chosen agency to tailor content specifically designed to suit it. This can increase the likelihood of success with your digital campaign, thereby leading to more engagement and more sales.

Although unexciting, creating a buyer or consumer persona is crucial to put you a cut above the rest. This tactical decision allows you to design marketing content most likely to resonate with your target audience, dramatically boosting sales and engagement. Not only that, but it also gives your digital marketing agency London a specific demographic to focus on, which can make their overall performance better.

2. Picking a Type of Marketing

‘Digital marketing is an umbrella term, under which is categorized social media marketing and pay per click (PPC) models. Depending on your product or service and your customer base, the type of marketing you should focus on will shift. Discussing this with your digital marketing agency London will help you decide, which can shape your digital marketing model. One good place to start is to ask yourself, ‘is my product or service something people can search the internet for?’. If the answer is yes, your focus should be on pay-per-click models. Meanwhile, if you think people are unlikely to search the internet for your product or service, you may be better off marketing directly to your users via social media. If social media marketing is more suited to you, your digital marketing agency London should help you figure out which platform works best and how you can best utilize the tools present within it.

3. SEO

After identifying the platform you’re using, your digital marketing agency London should help you optimize it to the max. One critical component of this is SEO or search engine optimization. Whether or not you’re using the PPC model, you’ll still want either your website or your social media presence to be among the top searches on search engines. The way to do this is to work with the algorithm and make sure your digital platforms are all search engine optimized. This way, when anyone searches a term related to your industry, you should show up! The digital marketing agency London you employ should have a detailed understanding of SEO and how to utilize it to your benefit.

4. Video Content

InVideo has reported that “in 2020, 96% of consumers increased their online video consumption, and 9 out of 10 viewers said that they wanted to see more videos from brands and businesses. And as of 2021, an average person is predicted to spend 100 minutes per day watching online videos.” In simple terms, your customers are paying attention to video content, now more than ever. If you want to capture your customers’ attention, and meet them where they are, you need to produce video content. This is because people are watching videos, and videos directly impact purchases. To help you make sure this impact is positive, you can look for a digital marketing agency London that focuses or has experience in video marketing techniques, and rely on their expertise.

5. Content Marketing

With the abundance of online information, consumers can compare you and your competitors and do their own research for any product or service. Simply put, people have the luxury of researching on their own before buying, which is why you want to provide them the most value and information without directly ‘selling to’ them. The goal is to provide consumers with the answers they are looking for without pitching a product or service to them.

It is also essential to not just keep your audience, but also the search engines they use, in mind – this links back to point 3, about SEO. One of the ranking factors Google looks at for SEO is keyword volume. Keywords are central terms used to categorize businesses, and the more your blogs and posts feature these keywords, the better your search engine ranking will be.

To achieve these goals, look for a digital marketing agency London with a dedicated content marketing department, which can generate content that adds value for your customers and increases your search engine ranking via appropriate keywords.

6. Email Marketing

One of the earliest and most pervasive methods of digital marketing is email marketing, and it simply cannot be ignored. Email marketing is a method that can help “with lead generation, brand awareness, building relationships and keeping customers engaged,” according to the world’s leading email marketing agent, MailChimp.

Read Also: 5 Tips for Choosing a Reliable SEO Company

You can use email marketing to automatically send welcome messages to every new subscriber or customer, confirmation emails for purchases, weekly newsletters, or even create a drip sequence leading customers to the next step in the sales funnel, based on their actions.

All of this sounds complicated at first, but the key takeaway is that email marketing is a way to bridge the gap between where your customers are and where you want them to go next in your sales funnel. It is meant to nurture leads and existing customers, and can offer immense returns for relatively small investments. Look for a digital marketing agency London that is well-equipped in email marketing tools such as MailChimp and their automation processes, and devise a unique marketing strategy with them for the greatest chance of success.


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